20 May 2010

secret garden

I planted today! My dad built me a raised bed as a housewarming present. It's made from old recycled redwood planks that used to be the fence in the backyard. I planted everything from seed, so it will be a while before anything actually comes of it.

I planted:
  • Basil
  • Beets
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cilantro
  • Chives
  • Cucumber
  • Oregano
  • Spinach
  • Swiss Chard
  • Zucchini
I am waiting to plant some beans and lettuce. I also am going tomorrow to look for some yellow pear tomatoes and anything else that strikes my fancy. I probably don't have enough room to actually grow all of this, but we'll see how it goes!

I hope to document the process with photos along the way, but I don't have internet at my new house until at least Monday.

05 May 2010

done with college

So, I've finished all of my coursework for college. Tomorrow I'm going strawberry picking/jam making! It is a nice way to easy into real life. I want to get canning/preserving equipment. Who knows if I'd actually stick with it, but it's something I'd like to at least learn. Plus it will be nice to get outside and actually do some form of gardening/agricultural work. I'm going to have a kitchen in a few weeks! so I should get back into the domestic, cooky, keep the pantry stocked with food mindset.
Now I just need a job.