23 May 2009

Work, Work, Work, PLAY

That is my new version of the popular children's game, duck, duck, goose. It is also what I've been trying to do this past week.
I have been pretty successful. I have a draft done for a mini-conference in class on Tuesday. I have a pretty much finished paper (I might do a bit of editing), that I'll be handing in on Monday. Then I'll be hitting the streets to do some more fieldwork for my shortest paper that I have yet to start. I'm slowly losing steam, but I actually think I'm churning out some decent work.

That was the work work work part of my week.
The PLAY part started when I met Adam Greenhouse for lunch on Wednesday. He was the second in a long string of Oxy people passing through or staying in Amsterdam. We are currently hosting about 10 Oxy kids in the beautiful city. It's been surprisingly nice to have so many people to talk Eagle Rock with.
It has both helped to mitigate my ever increasing home-sickness and gotten me even more excited to get back. However, it has also increased my aprehension to leave Amsterdam. I'm having a lot of fun, even though I'm doing a lot of work.

I'll be leaving in just over a week. It really is coming to an end too fast!
There will be more updates when I'm not typing on the public library's weird metal keyboard....

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